
The sendSms rule will send an SMS to a Contact configured in your account.



<sendSms id="1" label="Send SMS" from="$_smsOrigin" message="$_smsMessage" destinationContactId="1" destinationPhoneNumber="447400000000" />

Rule Attributes

Name Mandatory Description
id YES The unique identifier of the SMS Rule. This needs to be unique inside of the SMS Flow. This attribute is used to reference the SMS Rule through the API, for example when attaching the SMS Flow to a Link
label YES The value which is displayed in the Analytics section of the Enterprise portal
from YES The Sender ID presented to the destination. This can be a phone number, an alpha numeric string of up to 11 characters or one of our SMS Variables
message NO The message to send to the destination
smsTemplateName NO The message to send to the destination, this will use a predefined template
destinationContactId NO The ID of the Contact to send the SMS to
destinationPhoneNumber NO The phone number of the specified Contact to send the SMS to
smsAlertDestinationType NO Allows sending of SMS email alerts to the PRIMARY or SECONDARY email address of a Contact. Possible values are PRIMARY, SECONDARY, BOTH. Defaults to PRIMARY
smsAlertDestinationBehaviour NO When a Contact has multiple email addresses of a certain type, this attribute allows deciding on whether only the FIRST one receives the SMS email alert, or ALL will receive the missed call alerts. Possible values are FIRST, ALL. Defaults to FIRST
sendSmsAlert NO Should an SMS email alert be sent? Possible values are NONE, FAILED_SMS, ALL_SMS
smsAlertEmailTemplateName NO The email template which will be used when sending SMS email alerts
smsAlertFrom NO The from email address which will be used to send the SMS email alerts
smsAlertFromName NO The from name which will be used to send the SMS email alerts
callbackUrl NO URL we will send the delivery receipts to
callbackUrlHeaders NO Additional headers we will be sending with the delivery receipt call back. If multiple headers need to be included, please separate them by ","


Simple SMS forward

<sendSms id="1" label="Send SMS" from="$_smsOrigin" message="$_smsMessage" destinationContactId="1" destinationPhoneNumber="447400000000" />

Simple SMS forward with SMS Template

<sendSms id="1" label="Send SMS" from="$_smsOrigin" smsTemplateName="Default SMS Forward" destinationContactId="1" destinationPhoneNumber="447400000000" />

Send an SMS with Delivery Receipt callback

If you want to receive delivery receipts for the SMS's which are sent from within a Call Flow, then the callbackUrl needs to be added. You can send additional headers in this callback by adding the callbackUrlHeaders attribute.

<sendSms id="1" label="Send SMS" from="$_smsOrigin" destinationPhoneNumber="447400000000" destinationContactName="1" smsTemplateName="Default SMS Forward" callbackUrl="" callbackUrlHeaders="Content-Type: application/json,X-Custom-Header: iovox" />