Phone Calls: the Core of Real Estate

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Over the past 10 years, the internet has a profound impact on many industries, fundamentally changing how companies do business. Everything from getting a taxi to booking a flight can now be conducted online with a few clicks. However, for many industries–such as the Real Estate–the internet has led to huge efficiencies without removing the vital ingredient of human interaction.

The Real Estate Process: Closing a Real Deal

Whether you buy a condo for $100,000 or a luxury mansion for $10m, the entire process revolves around conversations. As a buyer or seller, you need to speak to various companies and individuals throughout the entire process. For companies in this space, it is vital to have the ability to track and analyze each of the interactions.

Let’s take an example. A real estate agent might have a portfolio of properties to sell but a limited marketing budget and window of time to generate the required number of inquiries. What’s the best way to spend this budget? Should they drive traffic to their website or just rely on property sites like Zillow? Should they run listing ads in local newspapers or distribute printed material to their interested buyers?  The answers to these questions can only really be determined if the responses are tracked properly. If you can work out and forecast how many calls you are likely to generate from a given ad or listing then you will know how to allocate your marketing spend.

Call Tracking Improves Performance for Real Estate Businesses

Call tracking provides deeper insights to allow real estate businesses to maximize their performance. Each call is an important component to properly closing a deal. If you receive many call inquiries on a Saturday morning about property listings from that day’s local newspapers, you can ensure you have correct staffing levels to accommodate each call and never miss an opportunity.

There are few sectors that rely so heavily on the humble phone call yet it is surprising to find that a large number of real estate businesses are not tracking these interactions. In an industry where the value of a sale is so high, the benefits of implementing a simple call tracking solution are clear. Interested in learning more on how call tracking can work for your business? Contact us today

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