Purchasing an iovox Number

To buy a virtual number, go to the Shop page to select your desired number.

In the “Select a phone number” section, select the country and city. For example: United Kingdom, London (20). The number in the bracket represents the area code. Then click on “+ Add to basket” to add the item to your basket. Each iovox Number is charged at a monthly subscription, view iovox Number price list

Depending on your location, prices could be displayed as GBP, EUR or USD.

Do I need to buy Credit?
In order to receive incoming calls from your iovox Number you will need talk time minutes. You can purchase minutes in the form of Credit. Credit in your account works as a pay as you go model: once the credit is added, you have 180 days to use it. You can add more credit in your account at any time, effective immediately. The price per minute is calculated depending on where your iovox Number is forwarded to, please check the talk rates table

If you run out or low on credit, you will not receive incoming calls to your iovox Number. Calls to your iovox number will go directly to voicemail. You will receive an email alert with an audio file attached. To continue receiving calls, add more credit.

Before making payment, review your order and check you have the correct items in your “Order Summary” section. All monthly subscription payments are taken on 1st of each month. Your first payment will be billed on a pro rata. That means the price you pay today will be adjusted based on how many days are left in the billing cycle. You will then pay full price on the 1st of the month.

Pro rata payment does not apply to Credit, as it is on a pay as you go basis.

If you are using a UK debit/credit card to make payment you will be charged VAT.

After successful payment you will see the confirmation page. If you have bought 5 or more iovox Numbers, it may take a while for the confirmation to appear as we retrieve your iovox Numbers from our inventory. When they are available a Voicemail rule is applied to all new iovox Numbers, you can change it by adding your own custom call rule. To add an identifier and to track its performance you can add tags.

iovox, SMB, Android, iOS, Web, Numbers

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