How to Use Conversational AI for Sales + 7 Benefits

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Conversational AI for sales automates time-consuming tasks, streamlines prospect interactions and supports data-driven sales strategies.

But what exactly is conversational AI?

And how can it help your sales operations?

Discover the basics, its advantages, and how to implement it for your business in this article.

We’ll also introduce a top analytics tool powered by conversational AI to boost your ROI.

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Let’s get this rolling.

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI (Artificial Intelligence) enables people to interact with machines in a human-like manner. It’s used in chatbots, virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant, and customer support services.

Unlike traditional chatbots, an AI-powered chatbot or virtual assistant operates through:

  • Natural language processing (NLP): This speech technology enables bots to understand user intentions, extract relevant information, and respond appropriately, regardless of how a question is phrased.
  • Machine learning: Conversational AI uses machine learning to continuously learn from data and experiences, enhancing its ability to comprehend and respond to users.

Although AI bots are excellent at providing fast and human-like responses, the real value for businesses lies in their ability to analyze sales and customer service conversations.

Want to know more?

Keep reading.

7 Benefits of Conversational AI for Sales Automation

Here are seven ways a top sales AI tool can boost your ROI:

  1. Efficient Lead Qualification

    Conversational AI automatically scores leads by analyzing traffic sources, their online behavior, and historical sales data to identify high-quality leads.

    For example, let’s look at iovox Dynamic Numbers.

    It assigns a unique number to track each site visitor.

    Simultaneously, iovox Insights, a conversational AI tool analyzes online data, like pages viewed, time on site, and product interest. It then combines offline data, like contact center calls or in-store purchases, to identify patterns across different sales funnel stages.

    If the AI solution notices site visitors exploring specific product categories and then calling to inquire about them, it assigns a higher lead score because it indicates they’re more likely to convert.

  2. Enhanced Sales Productivity and Efficiency

    Conversational AI provides actionable insights as leads move through the sales process.

    For instance, if you’re an automotive dealer, you can use iovox’s conversational AI to analyze every sales conversation and gain a better understanding of your prospects, including:

    • Interest in additional products or services.
    • Preferred competitive car models and their features.
    • Key factors influencing car-buying decisions.

    Your sales team can then use this data to tailor offers and optimize their sales strategy, maximizing ROI and efficiency.

  3. Always-On Customer Engagement

    Live chat integrated with a conversational AI solution ensures leads have 24/7 access to product details, recommendations, and features.

    This virtual agent can also guide them through important tasks, such as scheduling a demo or a call with a sales rep, with minimal human intervention on your website or platform.

    For instance, insurance companies can use conversational AI chatbots to provide personalized customer service and policy recommendations. If a potential customer seeks comprehensive family coverage, AI suggests policies that match their needs and budget.

  4. Enhanced Upselling and Cross-Selling

    After a sale, AI can maintain engagement by providing post-purchase recommendations or incentives for complementary purchases.

    For instance, think of a prospect who recently bought a home insurance policy from your company. During the onboarding process, AI identifies that this customer owns two cars. Salespeople can efficiently segment these customers using conversational AI and present them with special offers for car insurance.

  5. Efficient Issue Resolution

    Conversational AI technology and automation guarantee a smooth customer experience, allowing sales leaders to focus on refining the overall sales strategy.

    Imagine a customer buying a smart home security system online. After the purchase, an AI chatbot pops up and shares a link to easy-to-follow video guides for installation.

    It effectively handles questions before or after purchase, like store details, business hours, delivery, returns, and warranties. For complex products, AI can provide ongoing help, like software guides, maintenance tips, and suggestions on how to use the product.

  6. Multi-Channel Support and Scalability

    Traditional customer service often faces limitations due to human resource constraints.

    On the other hand, AI can handle a high volume of inquiries simultaneously, making it ideal for managing peak periods or handling an influx of customer queries due to a marketing campaign.

    Conversational AI can seamlessly operate across various communication channels, including websites, social media, email, messaging apps, and more. This helps you scale your sales efforts without hiring more reps.

    This can be very useful when paired with a feature like iovox’s Dedicated Numbers for accurate attribution analysis that tells you which channels bring in the most leads.

  7. Data-Driven Insights

    Automated transcription services help businesses analyze past sales conversations, which is crucial for understanding customer needs and shortening sales cycles.

    For example, iovox’s Call Transcription can automatically convert and analyze spoken language from sales calls into written text. As a result, you can quickly identify your prospects’ primary challenges, the language that contributed to closing deals, and the products or features that were discussed.

    Sales leaders can use this information to develop campaigns or pitches to address these needs or challenges.

    Bottom line: Conversational AI is a powerful sales enablement tool used across industries and businesses, including B2C and B2B sales.

How can you adapt these solutions to your specific requirements?

Step-By-Step Guide to Implementing Conversational AI For Sales

When integrating a conversational AI solution with existing CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) systems to boost sales, remember these points:

  1. Define Clear Sales Objectives

    When setting your sales goals, aim for specific and measurable targets.

    For example, instead of a vague goal like ‘enhance sales’, aim for a clear objective like ‘achieve a 15% increase in monthly sales revenue through conversational AI by the end of the fiscal year.’

  2. Understand Your Audience

    Conduct in-depth market research about your potential customer, including surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Ask questions about age, gender, location, interests, and budget.

    These valuable demographic and psychographic data points can help determine when, where, and how to employ conversational AI most effectively with your target audience.

  3. Evaluate Features and Capabilities

    Look for a robust sales AI tool like iovox that supports natural language processing, machine learning, integration options, and analytics.

    Additionally, it should handle increased user interactions while considering data security, compliance, and pricing.

  4. Design User-Centric Customer Conversations

    Ensure the AI platform is programmed to respond politely and empathetically.

    In cases where the AI doesn’t fully comprehend the user’s query, it should proactively seek clarification or escalate to a live sales rep. It can ask follow-up questions like:

    • Could you please provide more details?
    • I want to make sure I understand your question correctly. Can you rephrase it?

    Additionally, tailor the conversation based on where customers are in the sales process. For instance, if the AI already has their contact information or preferences, it should avoid asking for those details again to make each customer interaction more efficient.

  5. Train Your Sales Team

    AI analytics often include lead-scoring mechanisms that help identify high-potential leads. Through training, sales and marketing teams can learn how to use these scores to prioritize their efforts on leads most likely to convert.

    Additionally, by effectively using call recording and transcription, sales managers can better understand individual performance and opportunities for improvement.

  6. Monitor Performance

    Check how many leads turn into customers with AI’s help, and see how much time the sales team saves using AI.

    This way, you can compare the costs of using a conversational marketing or sales bot with the revenue it brings in.

  7. Scale Gradually

    Introduce the conversational AI solution to a limited audience or specific use cases. Gather data on human interactions, response accuracy, and customer satisfaction. This customer data provides valuable insight into the AI’s strengths and weaknesses.

Looking to implement conversational AI for your business?
Opt for iovox, a top sales AI tool.

iovox Insights: The Best Sales Analysis Tool Powered by Conversational AI

iovox offers a powerful conversational AI and call-tracking solution to supercharge your sales efforts.

iovox connects calls to specific sales campaigns and strategies through advanced call tracking and many more sophisticated features. As a result, you can quickly identify sales training needs and calculate lead costs and customer acquisition expenses effectively.

Here’s how iovox helps you increase sales:

  1. Advanced Conversation Analysis

    iovox’s speech analytics automatically identify keywords or phrases like product names, specific features, or customer pain points in each sales conversation. Once identified, iovox can pinpoint which keywords lead to a conversion.

    For example, iovox may identify keywords like ‘high-speed internet’ or ‘affordable plans’ to have a strong correlation with successful sales. With this predictive data, sales teams can significantly improve scripts and conversion rates.

  2. Actionable Insights for Sales Optimization

    iovox compiles customer data from various sales channels and campaigns, including phone calls, online interactions, and more. It monitors and compares key metrics like conversion rates, lead generation, and customer engagement.

    This analysis reveals the most effective sales channels or campaigns and identifies areas that might benefit from resource optimization. As a result, businesses can recognize potential lead drop-off points and proactively adjust their sales techniques, enhancing their chances of success.

  3. Improve the Sales Experience

    Powered by conversational AI, iovox can effectively perform several critical sales monitoring tasks, such as: 

    • Review transcribed sales call recordings to spot quality issues, like poor audio, background noise, or unclear communication.
    • Keep an eye on live calls, detecting any deviations from the set sales call scripts.
    • Examine call transcripts for keywords or phrases linked to compliance or privacy matters.

    This helps sales managers coach representatives to enhance their communication and sales pitches, ultimately delivering a superior customer experience.

iovox Success Stories

Industries such as insurance, automotive, and real estate have harnessed the benefits of iovox to revolutionize their operations.

Here are three real-world success stories:

  1. Abeille Assurances Slashes Costs, Boosts Number of Quality Leads by 20%

    Abeille Assurances, a French insurance company, wanted to improve the effectiveness of its website and digital channels in turning potential leads into actual customers. They accomplished this by deploying iovox’s WebCallBack and Dynamic Numbers.

    With these capabilities, Abeille Assurances could automatically capture leads and gather essential information, like demographics, traffic sources, pain points, and more. When the lead reconnected with the company, all sales team members were well-informed about their preferences and equipped with tailored solutions.

    These changes resulted in a 20% reduction in costs and a remarkable 20% increase in high-quality leads.

  2. Honda Achieves 40% Faster Lead Recall and a 60% Surge in Conversions

    Honda aimed to capture and capitalize on prospects’ interest across various channels, including online, phone, and in-person interactions.

    They accomplished this by integrating iovox’s advanced call-tracking solution, ensuring prompt call-backs to potential customers, and automating team notifications to prevent missed opportunities.

    The result was impressive — Honda reduced lead recall time by over 40% and achieved a remarkable 60% increase in lead conversion rates.

  3. Zoopla’s Per-Property Attribution Success

    Zoopla, a top UK property website with over 55 million monthly visits, sought to improve per-property attribution. They partnered with iovox for three solutions:

    • WebConnect for lead tracking, enabling visitors to call from their browser and gather real-time data on property details, agent associations, and ad triggers.
    • Dynamic numbers for lead scoring by linking unique phone numbers to user sessions, offering insights into lead quality and intent.
    • Conversational AI for reviewing recordings to provide feedback to agents on brand representation, information collection, prospect status, and advice quality.

Still have some burning questions?

We’ve got you covered.

3 Conversational AI FAQs

Here are three frequently asked conversation intelligence related questions:

  1. What is the Difference Between a Rule-Based Chatbot and an AI Chatbot?

    An AI bot offers a more personalized and human-like customer interaction. It can assist with lead qualification, provide product recommendations, and engage in meaningful conversations.

    A rule-based chatbot relies on predefined decision trees or templates to respond to customer queries. It’s suitable for simpler, repetitive tasks.

  2. How Do You Train a Conversation AI Model for Specific Sales Needs?

    Here’s a brief overview of what it takes to train a conversation AI model:

    • Collect sales data from sources like past interactions and customer profiles.
    • Categorize and label data, like intent, customer names, etc.
    • Choose an Artificial Intelligence framework with strong language processing.
    • Train the model to recognize user query patterns and responses.
    • Continuously refine accuracy by adjusting algorithms, retraining with new data, and fine-tuning.
    • Ensure responses match your brand’s tone and grammar.
    • Implement language and grammar checks for correctness.
    • Train the AI bot to handle various user phrasings.
    • Regularly update the model to stay current with trends and preferences.
  3. How Do You Ensure a Seamless Handoff from AI-Driven Conversations to Human Sales Representatives?

    Here are some steps to achieve this transition effectively:

    • Define clear triggers for the handoff based on complexity or customer requests.
    • Ensure the context and conversation history are transferred to your sales reps while prioritizing data privacy.
    • Implement a feedback loop for continuous improvement.
    • Monitor and optimize the handoff process over time.

Final Thoughts

Conversational AI empowers businesses to automate human-like interactions with prospects, enhancing engagement and efficiency. However, its capabilities extend beyond this, offering comprehensive analytics that bridge the gap between online and offline interactions.

This drives sales by providing actionable insight and enabling data-driven improvements.

Looking to boost your sales and revenue?

Start using iovox Insights today.

iovox Insights, powered by conversational AI-driven analytics, helps businesses make informed decisions and achieve better results in their sales efforts.

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